San Emidio Canyon

The oldest inland highway in California is on Pine Mountain Club property. Spanish missionaries found gold in San Emidio Canyon and later, US soldiers made their way to Fort Tejon along this path. Watch for smelter pits and the old mine shaft near the rusty sign post. Near the end of the trails stands an enormous “witness” tree (a surveyor burned directions on the trunk). The trail ends at the gate to a private ranch further down the canyon.

From 6000 feet to 7500 feet in elevation 

From 6000 feet to 7500 feet in elevation 

To get to this trail, drive east on Mil Potrero and turn left on Nesthorn Way. Follow the paved road and park at the cable. Hike along this road approximately 3/4 of a mile. Cross the stream and follow the road for another 1/4 mile. At this point the hard road turns right and a wagon trail veers down the canyon to the left. Follow the wagon road. The trail crosses the juncture of two creeks and follows along the floor of this historic canyon for approximately 2 1/2 miles.

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